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Example Product (No VAT) Example Product (No VAT)

Example Product (No VAT)

Item: ABC123

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur scelerisque placerat. Nulla facilisi. Nam lacinia vestibulum eleifend.

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(H) 10cm x (W) 10cm x (L) 10cm
Retail Price Label €11.91 Sale Price Label from €10.73

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Example Product (No VAT)
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Product Description

Donec at lectus at dolor auctor tincidunt. Phasellus nec lorem vitae velit semper laoreet eu mattis risus. Suspendisse vestibulum purus lacus, sit amet eleifend enim porta id. Vestibulum iaculis suscipit sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Sed facilisis massa nec vestibulum tincidunt. Nunc tempor, sem in tincidunt varius, felis nunc mattis mauris, non imperdiet orci enim vel neque. Duis quis tincidunt nunc, a pharetra nibh. Sed at placerat augue. Donec non orci sit amet dolor tincidunt ultrices. Aenean suscipit tempor mollis. Nullam quis nisi vitae sapien aliquam consequat et vitae dui. Sed auctor, odio ac interdum feugiat, turpis nulla congue quam, non gravida nibh quam eget tellus.

Duis orci lorem, facilisis quis tristique a, aliquet a odio. Integer nec metus ornare, sagittis libero quis, auctor mauris. Duis facilisis hendrerit sodales. Praesent congue sem luctus ante commodo, in pulvinar eros varius. Quisque gravida porttitor venenatis. Fusce ut consequat velit. Etiam sit amet scelerisque justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Tab 1 - Custom Tab
Custom tabs are useful for adding content that isn?t needed in the description and also a good way to reduce scrolling in smaller devices.
You can break information down into segments and amend the title of the tab to make it accessible for the user, for instance ?Specification? or ?Projection details?. The system will automatically include a ?Features tab? for products that have attributes and sizing measurements.
Custom Tab 2
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Custom Tab 3
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Custom Tab 4
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Global Tab 1 - (Add delivery info here)

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Global Tab 2 - (Add additional information)

Simply remove the text from the site settings and this will remove the tab from all products.

Tab Name


Tab Content goes here

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Product Specification
(H)10cm x (W)10cm x (L)10cm

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Example Product (No VAT)Example Product (No VAT)