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Wrendale Pheasant Tea Towel
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Windsor Dining Chair

This distinctive Windsor dining chair combines strength and durability with classic elegance. The six ash spindles and curved seatback, alongside the sculpted saddle seat provide a comfortable and supportive sit. The chair bow is steam bent from a single straight ash rail. Traditional wedge joints, where the legs come through the seat and a wedge is then inserted into a cut, before the leg stump is...
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Bacon ipsum dolor amet bacon kevin andouille tenderloin frankfurter. Chislic hamburger andouille leberkas spare ribs, jerky alcatra porchetta cow pork loin frankfurter buffalo ground round sausage turducken.

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Bedstead Traditional Mattress

The Vispring Traditional Bedstead mattress carries all the hallmarks of Vispring quality, with hand-nested pocket springs, hand-laid layers of British fleece wool and cotton, and 2 rows of genuine hand side-stitching, all giving wonderful comfort and support.

Ashley Pale Oak & Antique White 3 Drawer NightstandAshley Pale Oak & Antique White 3 Drawer Nightstand