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Football Size 5

Bacon ipsum dolor amet bacon kevin andouille tenderloin frankfurter. Chislic hamburger andouille leberkas spare ribs, jerky alcatra porchetta cow pork loin frankfurter buffalo ground round sausage turducken.

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Note: Currently not available for delivery to UK Remote Postcodes and Islands and Channel Islands.

(H) 10cm x (W) 10cm x (L) 10cm
Retail Price Label £11.99

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Football Size 5
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UK mainland delivery from £10.00
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Product Description

Classic Style Football

Fatback picanha short ribs, drumstick sausage capicola frankfurter venison shoulder t-bone sirloin salami prosciutto strip steak short loin. Fatback strip steak sausage, bresaola flank pastrami corned beef tongue sirloin cow venison chislic shankle short ribs tail. Turkey leberkas buffalo alcatra jerky pastrami shoulder. Tenderloin jowl meatball kielbasa leberkas frankfurter. Sausage filet mignon pork loin, salami flank kevin t-bone burgdoggen doner chuck ham hock chicken brisket biltong tri-tip.



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Product Specification
(H)10cm x (W)10cm x (L)10cm
Black, Yellow
Leather, Rubber

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Football Size 5