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Print your own Product Tickets

Setting up product tickets can be a ridiculously complicated juggle of multiple sytems, exports and Microsoft Office, but it could be so much simpler with a Unified Commerce system.

Easily create and maintain Product Tickets

Unified Commerce offers a lot of benefits, but one of the biggest is having all of your data in one place. WIth OMNIS Retail, all of your product information is stored in one location, in one database, and we then use it for multiple purposes, all without integration. 

Among many other things, we off instore EPOS systems, Purchase Ordering, eCommerce websites and now Point of Sale Ticketing. 

Product Tickets

OMNIS Retail offers three different types of ticket:

  1. Variant Tickets (pricing for a specific price point, e.g. the 'King Size Mattress', or 'Grade A Fabric')
  2. Product Tickets (pricing for a whole product, e.g. each size of a divan; prictured right)
  3. Collection Tickets (pricing for each part of a collection, e.g. a 4, 3, 2 Seater, with an Armchair and a Footstool)

These tickets are printed from an easy to use screen where you can filter by Supplier or Range, or just choose to look at in stock products only; perfect for printing clerance tickets.

Because all of your information is held in OMNIS Retail, you can be certain that the pricing, options and other product details are accurate up to the minute you hit print. 

Quick and easy Product Tickets

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